Friday, July 26, 2024

Where have all the cockroaches gone?

I lived in Florida until August 2021.  Florida can at best be classified as a jungle; at worst, a swamp.  There is all sorts of "biodiversity" in Florida.  We often had salamanders running along our porch, tiny frogs in our swimming pool, harmless black snakes in the garden, and even the occasional rat sidling along our fence.  Alligators and pythons went from exotic pets to common pests.  There were bugs too, plenty of them.  Mosquitos, butterflies, no-see-ums, dragonflies, slugs, spiders and of course (no stranger to other parts), cockroaches.  

Cockroaches in Florida are somewhat pleasantly referred to as "palmetto bugs" which makes them seem delicate and can obscure the fact that they are, in fact, giant creatures with WINGS.  Yes, wings.  Flying cockroaches.  Sounds like magic realism, doesn't it?  It gets better.  In the past, there would be a new cockroach in the garage every single day.  Occasionally, they would get into the house and scurry around in the kitchen, or the bathtub, or....shudder.  You get the picture.  Until July 2020.  

Because of this interesting little tidbit:  there was not been a single cockroach in Casa Andrade Loux since we had COVID-19.  Coincidence?  Possibly.  I tried searching the available literature for case reports of anything similar and haven't found anything so far....

Reminds me of the Peter, Paul and Mary song....because there is a song for everything!

Sing along with me now!  

Where have all the cockroaches gone?  Long time passing....

Where have all the cockroaches gone? Long time ago....

Where have all the cockroaches gone?  Sick with COVID every one!

Oh, when will they ever learn?  Oh, when will they ever learn?